Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter
The so far untold difference which sets YOU free...
There is an Option_ii 4U2
Option I starts with “The Secret”, justifies it with so-called Universal Laws; in fact a pretext to gain
attraction, then more laws are required to cover up the initial fake, to keep the masses down...
Option II is based on the B4-truth about what, on one’s personally relevant B3-path, leads to
B4-Life- through Meaning- and Task-Fulfillment.
This is a step-wise
learning process;
click here:
Mass-Attractivity I: Promises that you will
- get more of what you want and less of what you don't
- align your thoughts>for actions to the spiritual laws
- reprogram yourself at a cellular level for abundance
- experience a renewed hope and passion for your life
- know how you attract and what you can do with it
- gain clarity about what you want to do in the world
- learn the steps to move towards your dreams...
Life-Fulfillment II: YOUR X-Being asks YOU
- to understand who you are - God’s Creature
- what you are here for - based on your X-substance
- how you can fulfill your tasks in lifefulfilling ways
- to understand others as yourself
- to live in synergy with others of good will
- to aim for LifeFulfilling Platforms
- in tune with God’s created order...
Like attract Like: That applies to
- matter via gravity, e.g. to end in Black Holes
- to homosexuals unwilling for natural procreation
- mobs towards the zeitgeist as its target groups
- weak spirits being drawn into mobs
- intellectuals, who think they are how they think...
You can only Love the Understood:
- physics as a precondition for technology
- your partner beyond sex - up to procreation
- nation states in their innate cultures
- beings in terms of their X-substance for lifefulfillment
- science in terms of the non-manipulative laws...
Deliberate Creation: The above says that you
are being given more of the same of what you are
vibrating with. Deliberate Creation reduces this
wishful thinking to vibrating knowingly, so that you
don’t evoke things unconsciously or by default...
Giving Meaning: In technology engineers give
meaning to the laws of nature. A real human being
gives meaning to the relevant relationship truth say
of his own basic X-function (me with X=9Pp: F9) in
terms of its relevant social impact dimension (Pp).
Allowing: This is said to be the principle of least
action for absolute freedom by allowing others the
same. Judging its relevance, based on the above, is
seen as a lower level emotion, with the threat of you
attracting more negativity. In fact it is about protecting
the above nonsense!
Essential Ethics: Each essential resource,
such as X above or its v=innate value is held together
by the mental spine as long as one fulfills it on the
associated level, me, my v, on H1=hope in view of a
superior order, which in technology would be modeled
by physics, here by science#3 as outlined.
Potentiality: The true essence of who we are is
projected as pure consciousness seeking to express
itself in forms. To stay in alignment with the above,
anything is postulated to be spiritually possible with the
unlimited resources made available by the universe,
beyond any reservations! So if you commune with this
conviction "AS IF" you were part of its source of
NOTHINGNESS, you can fantasize being in touch with
pure potentiality. That is why the practice of meditation
is so powerful; you feel unlimited, knowing only the
love that makes anything possible; nothing impossible!
Immersed in this belief, you feel centered at peace -
actually in your given up self in NIRVANA...
X=Lifefulfillment Principle: Since life is
individual, so is, say your X. We only share our 16
social impact dimensions within the 144 possible ones,
and the structural meaning of the mental spine with its
16 levels. With our 8, also individual, but non-essential
states, we can come up with something X-substance
less and thereby non-ethical like Option I, but only to
act it out in an ultimately self-destructive way. Since
we can embellish it until doomsday, and can have
success under Option I so long, as Adolf Hitler did.
Some people can thus avoid understanding beyond
that point of NO return. You have now be warned
and are thus no longer innocent!
Qualification: Lifefulfillment is not about raping
the planet and the people and then spiritually disap-
pearing into Nirvana when the going gets tough in
reality, having messed it up ignoring M/O=STRESS in
arrogant ways! Each ethical level requires, individually
different, a qualification in terms of dealing with the
relevant situation in one of its 1=very bad, up to 6=very
good aspects corresponding to our X-vocation.
Detachment: So to seemingly acquire anything in
the physical Universe, you have to relinquish your
attachment to everything, first of all, your X-self; To
Rely Unto Spirit Totally gives you what you, thus a
NOTHING, need - not necessarily what you want; to
get that is your ego's job! But that, according to
Buddha, the will throw you into suffering for never
getting what you really wanted...
Polarity: Unity of the many alike, is said to have a
least two opposites like “left” and “right” in politics. So
by choosing to change your attitude, you can shift
your point if view of someone or something from, say,
"bad" to "good" to experience your desired reality
NOW. So if the physical appears bad, change to the
metaphysical, the spiritual, to make yourself feel good!
But that way many people are now frustrated with
“The Secret” and its its spiritual teachings for which
they paid, physically. They are comforted with “Action
in the physical world, as well as the energy work in the
metaphysical world, need to take place in order for
things to manifest in the desired way!”, followed by the
up-sell promise: “With system you can change any
system!”. It works, provided you change the system you
are to nothing; e.g. sell your soul as a stumbling block
for the above, and for you to buy more of Option I...
PRE-TRANS-TRAP: As a real human being with
good will for Option II, you are asked to confront the
fact that setting up something mass-attractive in
the world, such as an idol and a cult around it, makes
people clog up in a social trap. If your blood cells do
enough of this, you die! In such mental traps, starting
with catch phrases, some people react by shrinking
back to what preceded such a cult to then be treated as
barbarians, sometimes rightfully as criminals. Even
fewer people, above all prophets up to Jesus Christ,
address individuals to transcend such traps in time and
give a leading example. The world of Option I treats
the latter as even more fearful threat to its systems and
its wardens up to crucifying the Son of God! Thus the
baby, the third XvR corner stone, the R=(re)solution,
is thrown out with the bathwater, thus speeding up the
traps decay beyond the point of NO return.
Ouch - The MATRIX_i works like a FLEE CIRCUS:
WOW - I feel free from understanding