Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter
and a Hope in view of a justified Order...
There is an Option_ii 4U2
We are all looking for a personally relevant Order among Participants
Option_i promises an in fact, merely short-term order of things by excluding real human beings in the
name of objective science under the usurped lead sciences of philosophy - psychology ritualized
by religions pretending to relate you to a personally-neutral, wordy way to God...
This is a step-wise
learning process;
click here:
Life has to cope with its y-necessities of survival and it strives
for M-maximal growth. In my case to the left that is in terms of
basic §2-purpose with personally neutral §0-sustainability.
To implement this y-M life-span of mine, I have
learnt to B1-believe in my content-free f-feeling.
And that ranges beyond the B2-[social death
zone] if I only S-relax from its threat. In its range
I am then open to p-perceive my personally -
relevant B3-path towards X-being in my B5-
lifefulfillment. Naturally that is of a general v-
value to me which I want to be acknowledged as
a human right, that is with in H2-superior order.
However, under option_i, mass-attractivity is
the measure of all things and so my wordy t-
thinking, as here, in terms of the value of my B5-
lifefulfillment is irrelevant. Similarly each of us
has such an H2>inhibition< in the world_i. In
my case this makes my three XvR corner
stones become stumbling blocks for option_i
and that world pre-trans-trapping my R-(re)
solution before it self-destructs upon itself...
Test the above in how your option_i conditioned
mind reacts and how you are “in” with the the
“others”, perpetrators and their victims alike:
1) S-relaxing from the [world] to go B2-
beyond it - beware; wait until you die with such
an utopia! Isn’t that how it reacts?
2) to t-think out an Option_ii “New World
Order” - that’s the ultimate paranoia; just
remember what happened to God’s prophets,
Jesus, and all the victims of the Inquisition,
psycho-politics, and in its institutions, gulags,
concentration camps, armies, criminals...
What’s your conclusion from this experience?
Are you disgusted now, as appropriate
for what under option_i is simply pre-trans-
trapped as paranoia! And this is to
be eliminated as an even bigger threat to the trap
option_i evokes, than crimes preceding its in fact
hopeless culture?
Or are you ready now to share YOUR own
Commitment for Option_ii, which alone allows
transcending, e.g. opening up for lifefulfillment,
option_i systems before the point of NO return
from their otherwise unavoidable collapse? The
news are on almost all walls!
So in relation to what if not mass-attractivity (option_i > permanently self-destructive zeitgeist), do
we find a desirable H2-superior order for participants L1-engaged in a project to relate to each
other? Obviously H2 has to stand the light of H3-reality, but not in itself, that would be idolatry and
building on sand, but H4-in view of the best understanding of the relevant substance with its
innate laws such as those of nature (physics > successful technology). Only then can reality as what
tangibly is, be changed and used in a §0-sustainably desirable way, on a path that in lasting truth
leads to lifefulfillment - for that, Jesus was crucified by the hopeless ones, and still is today...