Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter
Stand up with Your essential Life Functions F1-9!
There is an Option_ii 4U2
This site aims at introducing Option II into the Internet Business. It is supplemented with book reviews to
give you the historic context. Let us start with what OPTION I is; it is what seems a matter of course, and
that is what is mass-attractive, right? And that is what our minds are conditioned to via our wordy culture. If
everybody does it, our culture converges to the zeitgeist in a hierarchical way. Under it we thus get a
closed system, and those are unavoidably self-destructive. So please come to a conclusion in 9 steps:
Introducing Option II in the Internet Services with a Future
Consider: Do we want over 90% garbage on the Internet, or should it serve Lifefulfillment?
This is a step-wise
learning process;
click here:
F1) Don’t the media try to reinvent
the world every day anew?
To sustain and stay in that race,
asks for making progress in
another rat race, that for better
M=manipulation know-how!
The two have now been escalating to a devils’ circle…
F2) Now think of what is not self-destructive
about what we do in this world! People tried with gods and God tried
with them to get a O=sense of orientation to be considered in
using M=manipulation know-how. Nevertheless that led to a bloody history
even with God’s intervention with prophets up to Jesus Christ and reformers!
Since M / O =STRESS < DEATH,
we obviously have do not got a sufficient O right!
Why? Up to Newton, O was predominantly expressed with Option I words,
a framework which encapsulates the zeitgeist, into which which even
people with good will fall, when exclusively conditioned by the wordy culture;
for the mind, this is the prime mental trap!
F3) Isaac Newton broke the wordy devil’s circle by relating to the laws of nature
in an appropriate language of mathematics allowing modern physics).
Thereby from then on the power of technology
became the other driver of the zeitgeist,
which has meanwhile dissolved most of the traditional values
and demeaned language since seemingly “anything goes”.
And that has progressed to a provable extent in the word’s definition;
with disastrous consequences.
All that has tremendously increased the available M-manipulation,
while at the same time it has deprived people of the time and
opportunities to growing in term of O-understanding the consequences.
The rest of the increasing ignorance is within our experience;
global stress at the abyss of global catastrophes (Titanic, Fukushima, Syria…).
F4) And so people seek orientation in what they call spirituality,
no longer following the wordy trends which have long ago broken
out of logic and common sense. In short, most people are now
cultivating their own opinions into visions, usually about the
lowest hanging fruits within their reach.
Thus people’s minds re-enact the temptation in the Garden of Eden,
each playing all the four roles of God, Adam, Eve and the Snake,
now all inside themselves. And thus more and more people have created
their own concentration camps in which they let all their hope go.
They have thus given in to fall under OPTION I and don’t want to be
reminded anymore of their guilt for selling their soul.
But there is an OPTION II, personally relevant Life- through Task-Fulfilment
for each of us as our birthright – provided you do not see yourself as a mere
outcome of a meaningless evolution; the bottom line OPTION I myths …
F5) So what I am going to reveal her is what OPTION II entails,
basically, and complementary, among others via book reviews,
how people have so far tried to manifest it in the context of the OPTION I world.
Meanwhile the internet is the fastest way to a turnaround from OPTION I
using OPTION II. The basis for it has been laid out by
Applied Personal Science APS,
worked out since 1979 under the many domains of think-systems.ch.
It is the new, everywhere missing science#3 which facilitates Option II!
OPTION II deals in Relationship Truth and requires a corresponding
way of expressing them adequately – words, forms and numbers
are still necessary, but have never been sufficient:
It’s Time to explore the white spots of established science!
F6) Any conscientious controller looking at
the media dominated mental F1-input, the thus predominant
substance / O-orientation less mental F2-internalization by people,
with the corresponding F3-stressful output for which less and less people
still can have some F4-sense of responsibility
must come to the conclusions that our so called age of free F5-enterprises
is in fact the problem, the solution of which it pretends to be.
So on top of the information flood, with its psycho-politics, scams and lies,
those who have caused all the problems now with their out of hand symptoms,
have discovered a new way to remain outstanding; flooding people’s minds
further with analysis of the failure of their wordy faculties,
such as above all philosophy.
If nobody calls this latest bluff by the intellectuals, their disagreeing pseudo-analysis
which nobody dares to implement in time, make people to let all hop go...
F7) Most people are now at the same stage as the F1-3 based communism
was in1989, when Michale Gorbachev had to come to the conclusion that his
“Evile Empire” needed to be opened with
Perestroika, a F7-reform with Glasnost,
for increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities.
Since then, the Iron Curtain migrated into people’s mind, to subdue them
with an inner firewall by which people without Option II cannot but enact
the [B2-social death zone] against themselves and anybody else
who dares a B2-breakthrough beyond it with Option II.
That is why most of the rhetoric is now in terms of ideals one pretends to assign to
collectives, to pre-trans-trap real people with it, as stumbling blocks,
to be screwed as scapegoats for the failing New Bluff.
F8) When and where it has become hopeless to
F7-influence collectives for a structural change
in time, before the point of NO return from a collapse,
individuals pull back and F8-care for their own necessities.
This leads to a shadow economy either to pre-anarchies
such as in the now, in their traps, failed states, or it allows
the mobilization of a critical number of people
ready to qualify for a structural change from bottom to top.
On the Internet that lead to update of new releases,
on your laptop, to even a new installation, before a system collapse
or decays say by virus attacks. You see, technology has provided
experiences in other areas than where it it required most - for
mutual understanding about what is essential for Life- through Task-Fulfillment.
F9) If people just go for public protests such as in
the Arabian Spring or in Turkey 2012/13 with no F9-substantial basics,
then usually things go from bad to worse.
The Reformation turned around to the Bible,
Gorbachev opened the Soviet Union to a seemingly proven better society,
Nelson Mandela to overcoming South Africa’s apartheid.
However, there is nothing essentially new about all that,
so do not wonder if the world has not really improved
towards a perspective with a desirable future:
Option I is and stays, as the mother of all thinking-catastrophes
the cause of all human catastrophes as already sufficiently
outlined in the Old Testament! The New Testament points to what leads to God,
the personal path that in truth leads to life fulfillment!
F9) Do not allow anybody to erode, in the P proven BASICS with hidden agenda;
ask for proofs for in the F supposedly better basics and deliver them for yours.
Do not fall for category errors side-tracking from innate substances II of nature
and entities with mere rhetoric I; withdraw where people have fallen like a mass
of lemmings heading for the cliffs. Use such challenges as one for you to improve
your F1-8, to even L3-reframe your F9 if indicated by new insights and their
verifications. Qualify where you can and if necessary, go a step further as long
as you remain in touch with your X-self. Never give up your innate path, the
truth its passage reveals, and the life the latter opens up. In short love God in
his O-created order, and understand yourself in and in tune with it (remember,
M/O=STRESS), and do likewise with those you relate to, to eventually be ready
to relate to HIM and in your life, to the HOLY SPIRIT in your conscience...