Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter
with Relationship-Truth beyond option_i...
There is an Option_ii 4U2
Personally relevant Relationship Truth allows for making use of Option_ii
Understanding relationships requires a scientific framework, in science#1, that of mathematics in terms
of the relevant tangible, physical dimensions, in science#2, personally neutral language applied
%1-politically correctly, and in art#0, through aesthetic, form, design, media, and event making.
However, that is not enough to do justice to a real human being#3; here is an introduction:
This is a step-wise
learning process;
click here:
Urge to be Understood: Imagine yourself as a Jew in a [concentration camp] in Nazi Germany, e.g. in
touch with one of your 3 XvR-corner stones beyond the [social death zone] in which your inner resource for a B2-
breakthrough is suppressed under option_i. This example is a relevant inner experience for 97% of the
population! So when you B2-break out if ti with your B2-victim power, you have a need to be
understood about your corner stones. In my case [S]XvR; I S-relax towards my X-being for which I
want to be understood in its B5-lifefulfillment. So if I do not take my part in making lifefulfillment
understandable, my ability to S-defocus from option_i decays, then I am divided by [B2] and can
then be ruled under the spell of the mass-attractivity of option_i!
Core Values: Adhering to one’s five §1-y-M-G5-v core values, empowers the flow along the corner stones
to pro-actively using them instead of them being suppressed as stumbling blocks under option_i ! You find
mine under Take Action; Barack’s are §1-R [] y-G5 M-H2 g-H3: He §1-expresses his R-resolutions with his y-
minimal necessary G5-liveliness, which enables him to find his M-desirable H2-superior order, which by what is y-
necessary, allows him to trustfully put life into fulfilling it. Then he may become aware of his v-value for this
experience in view of H3-relating to reality. Take pro-active Action about YOUR core values as well!
Considering the ethical scale as the Mental Spine consisting of the
16 essential White Keys, §1-L3 allowing Option_ii, and the 8 non-
essential Black Keys of option_i: Clinical tests have shown that this
models the psycho-somatic interface between mind and body:
L3: Redesign/healing is the highest human capability
L2: Timely exchange of project-oriented competence
L1: Loving engagement opening up for L2>L3
H4: Understanding substance innate to created beings
H3: Relating to reality as meant to be meaningfully pointing to H4
H2: Superior order to option_i based on H4
H1: Hope justified in view of H2 - Let all hope got for Option I !
B5: Lifefulfillment based on X-being and its substance
B4: Truth as that which leads to B5
B3: Life Path from within, beyond option_i self-destructiveness
B2: Breakthrough; beyond option_i [Social Death Zone]
B1: Belief in view of B2
§0: Sustainability in terms of ultimately H4, God its Creator
§3: Integrity in relation to one’s X-being
§2: Purpose of life in view of B5 - beyond wishful thinking...
§1: Right of expressing what is essential about X-oneself
Black Keys: ZG-zeitgeist, ?0-illusions, *3 ego, +2 lust, -4 stress,
%1 political correctness, %5 %-manipulation, %6 projection/spin
Ethical Scale: §-law: §1 §2 §3 §0 B-belief: B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 H-hope: H1 H2 H3 H4 L-Love: L1 L2 L3
Worldly Experience: CCC B1.[B2]B3. ccc
Click for the essential resources
and their required qualifications