Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter
to Perform YOUR Functions in a LifeFulfilling Way
There is an Option_ii 4U2
The 9 Basic Functions that Bridge the Timely Gaps
After your mind is able to ethically reframe the wordy intellect , prepared to qualify in the relevant social
impact dimensions you should be ready to consider and perform the basic 9 functions of
life, lining them up with the innate one that corresponds to your being, and using the other 8 as your
assets. That is where it is a matter of walking the talk and passing the test
presented to you here:
This is a step-wise
learning process;
click here:
Synchronicity: When a rider (humans) projects the desired F-future as
his solution to the horse (life), which is aware of the problems on the way based on its
P-past experience, then both are in tune with the county-side (Earth). They are in the
N-now where lifefulfilling experiences become possible via the synchronicity of the
following nine functions of s-focusing on one’s inner state (I) to satisfy the i-needs for
appropriate inputs. The required functions consist of 3 hardware functions dealing with
material input (F1) for processing (F2) the desired product and their dissemination (F3),
the 3 software functions of administering (F4) decision making (F5) in an accountable
way (F6), and 3 peopleware functions of exerting influence (F7) towards for synergy, coping with necessities (F8)
and keeping the substantial overview (F9):
Function cares for
sufficient INPUT to enable the present to be moved into the desired future focused upon
PROCESSING the future needs by solving the past problems
3 OUTPUT the past way to satisfy needs into the present way of dissemination
ADMINISTERING the past way of having dealt with the past problems
ENTREPRENEURIAL DECISIONS about how to cope with the future in the present
CONTROLLING the now (practice), with reference to effective past experience/good ways
INFLUENCING participants for the need for future structural change in view of a desirable future
TURNING AROUND in the present from what does not work towards a desirable present
GROUNDING the essential past experience in what can be the basics for a desirable future
The 9 Basic Functions of Life and how to fulfill them coherently for lifefulfillment
Imagine an example of F1-3 Technology, designed by F4-6
Engineering based on F7-9 Physics, such as the Titanic 1912 in view
of icebergs, and the Fukushima Reactors 2011, in view of tsunamis
and earthquake on the one hand, and non-functioning thinking
catastrophes of those in charge on the other hand: Then human
catastrophes, according to M/O=STRESS<DEATH, are
unavoidable. However, from 1917-89, half the world opted in for
communism, confining most people to an F1-3 mind, after centuries
of having been served of the nobility. Take Action about finding out
and taking responsibility for YOUR functions!
After World War II, the “free” world overcame the communist
thinking catastrophe with a more subtle one, closed upon F1-6,
though much more efficient than F1-3, it is now heading for more
catastrophes and global chaos. Inadequate system leadership, for the 92.4% people leaders are supposed to
serve, instead set themselves arrogantly above them and reduces them to F1-2 (serves under F3-5 managers)
and F6-7 (jobbing wardens and media spinners under F8-9 spin doctors). It leaves most people thus divided to
be ruled by the 7.6% so-called elite in their option_i confined world. Such is option_i now installed in humanity
making people unfilled. The rich are addicted to intellectual embellishment and sublimation, in order to bear the
man-made hell on Earth. The poor are left in misery, out of which, with their last resources, they try to suck the rich
with their victim power (formerly organized by communists, now by other fundamentalists) up to suicide terror.
Parameterization is the answer to overcoming wordy option_i , just a mathematics was the way to
introduce physics beyond papal dogmas, spin and Inquisition. With the above you can understand X=9Pp/B5>6 as
me fulfilling it with Function9 in the social impact dimension Pp, on the ethical level of B5 to become qualified in
view of 6. Judge for yourself; have I pointed to the 6-very good of Option_ii with 9-basic science#3 in order to Pp
prepare a process towards B5-life fulfillment of good willed people? If you now think you do not understand, you
have not passed the test, either because you still identify with option_i, or because you have not studied the
above as its meaning deserves. In the first case you remain of a weak spirit impotent for a R-resolution to make
use of Option_ii. In the latter case, there is hope for you to become part of the solution IF you now do your
homework with or without your, so-called “inner dark evil voices” of option_i, and the opinions of others...