Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter
Check the Difference it can make in YOUR Life...
There is an Option_ii 4U2
What Applied Personal Science#3 APS allows
Under Option I you are restricted to §1-expressing yourself in
- personally-neutral words#2, suggesting we all understand things the same way
- content-free numbers#1 that make the numbered, say people, equally meaningless
- mass-attractive#0 forms, expressions, events which overwrite people’s minds...
This is a step-wise
learning process;
click here:
Post-Normality: Before the AGE of ENLIGHTENMENT, the church set the norm with its
enforced dogmas, defining the framework within which the worldly rulers could instrumentalize their serfs.
Of course that gave rise to bloody wars between those players. At the beginning of properly understanding
nature, no longer in mystical, but quantitative ways, a logic beyond what human power can manipulate, emerged.
It has
led to materialism up to Social Darwinism, Communism, Fascism, Maoism & Co., resulting in World
Wars up to the abyss of a global terror. It is all an escalation of the snake’s temptation in paradise;
convincing others with mass-attractive forms promising some added-values to lure them
under the hidden agenda of the zeitgeist elite. Those Option I show keepers at the top
of the old pyramid of worldly power get it at the price of sell their soul just as Goethe’s Dr.
Faust did. From 1968 onwards the zeitgeist trend was “anything goes”, merely restricted by the
invisible hand of the market and the spirit of the time, which these days is re-invented every day
anew by the media. This is the zeitgeist’s pseudo-life which overwrites more and more life forms and possibilities
for life- through meaningful task-fulfillment. Guess what comes next after humanity has thus turned the
EXODUS around by which Jewish-Christian-western civilization began, thus reinstalling the old mysticism in
the Emperor’s New Clothes, e.g. World Order of post-normality....
Beyond IMPRESSING Each Other: We in the western world were conditioned to think of the others
as heathen, dancing around idols, collectively impressed. So we were blind to see the matter of course
of OPTION I, which in fact the first Pharaoh introduced, that we have evoked a culture which is
impressing its zeitgeist, nowadays deeper in each individual, amplified by the “freedom” of opinion and
choice to do it among each other. That seems to have put an end to the inner endeavor to understand#3
self as an individual soul and to recognize God as its Creator. So far the 23% of all people with an inner
conscience#3 were demeaned by all the power of the Option I world. This works top down from the
triumvirate of master-science#2, its serf-science#1, embellished by and competed with arty-farty
science#0. Under it, the zeitgeist seems to be able to replace God on Earth. The Pope who has
assumed that role so far, has done his duty as the zeitgeist’ useful idiot, and can disappear in the coffin of
history. The now totally impressive human empire has its roots in almost each head in order to get
some attention. So obviously what will happen is either a global collapse, or an inner Exodus away from
all the mental garbage, just as the Jews walked away from slavery and the Reformation cleared the churches of
all the idolatry and evil practices such as Inquisition - nowadays pedophilia, sinister businesses and so on...
Understanding is the Option II alternative to impressing each other under option_i. Just check the trend:
“understanding” has become a non-socially compatible word which you had better not use, if you don’t want
become pre-trans-trapped the post-normal version of crucifixion. And, what can and should be
understood, the relationship truth about the inner
substance of each other, one’s relationships, teams
and cultures, is infotained out of social reality. You
can easily verify that yourself! Relating to YOUR own
substance beyond the Option I trap, is treated like a
crime preceding the zeitgeist even if it could
transcend its self-destructive inner dynamic. And
that is precisely why Jesus Christ was crucified and millions
wasted as human sacrifices for the zeitgeist to prevail, before and
after him. And you know what, the dead letter Christians prevailed
and became the leading role model for Option I from which many a demagogue, such as Josef Stalin learnt their
lessons. Since you need to understand such things before you can understand yourself, understanding is not “in”;
people prefer to be impressed by embellishing news rather to confront the mental MATRIX, Option I is. That is were
their mind must be kept for the Option I show to go on, exclusive forever. As a pay-off they are offered the lowest
hanging fruits from the tree of manipulation know-how. However, those on top will not have the last word, and
that is why the Option I wardens defend it so fiercely, now in fact at their wits end. Yet the 23% with conscience#3
are still mistreated as scapegoats, just as the Jews were by the Nazis...