Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter
... to reframe YOUR I for a successful Personality...
There is an Option_ii 4U2
The Secret about the formation of people’s “I” revealed
Option I dominates society within the B2-[Social Death Zone] in its self-destructive dynamic. A sentient
human being, a homo sapiens sapiens, senses that and strives for a B2-breakthrough in time for
Life- through Task-Fulfillment; before the point of NO return from the [decay] of the B2-inner
resource to do so! So our “I” formed its opinions in this clinch to remain socially compatible...
This is a step-wise
learning process;
click here:
Mass-attractive “I”: Imagine US-President
Barack Obama knowing, that North Korean Kim
Jong-Un’s “I” is formed by his p-perception of how to
4-pacify his country, and vice versa, Barack’s is formed
by his J-self-justification towards a 5-good image.
Because they don’t, and peace can only be achieved
beyond their %1-political correctness; there is no
peace and eventually, both of them, will lose...
Life-fulfilling “II”: The Law of Access says
that we are all in touch with each other via a line of
maximum 6 people - provided they use their inner
resources! Now imagine it being your task to make two
adversaries aware of the key to peace between them,
beyond %1-political correctness: You do not want to see
yourself, such as Chamberlain with Hitler, failing, when
the show-down you could have avoided occurs...
Like attract Like: Kim sees Barack rightly as
+2 wanting more of the same; %5-manipulative
supremacy over the planet in the American way! Kim
perceives himself as the last one out of Obama’s
reach by securing his power with atom bombs. For
Barack, that could become a stumbling block...
You can only Love the Understood:
My “I” formed in view of my ?0-illusions about the %5-
world disappointing my *3 ego to the point of me S-
defocussing from established sciences#1; 1979, by
founding Applied Personal Science APS up to what I
present you with here to make you understandable too.
Deliberate Creation: Adolf Hitler became the
prototype for %6-projecting an evil “I” formed by his
traumatized (WW I) B2-resource of !-becoming
essential. So in WW II, his “I” wanted to restore the
German power after the shameful Versailles Treaty...
Giving Meaning: Imagine Frau Müller, a neighbor
of the Schickelgrubers, having given Alois, then 18, after
the loss of his beloved mother, enough !-meaning to not
end up %6-blaming the Jews for it all! She would have
prevented some 50 million meaningless deaths...
Allowing: People who allow option_i, the -4
stressful rat race for mass-attractivity, are part of the
problem acted out by that thinking catastrophe by
Stalin-Hitler-Mao, the Kims &Co. via the know human
catastrophes. Up to the abyss and beyond, the world
is thus misled by philosophy as leading science...
Essential Ethics: It’s not the collective that
should matter for YOU, it’s your conscience#3 which
makes you do the best, also for the collective, beyond
its -4 stressful B2-[social death zone] in which weak
spirits get their “I” corrupted as Judas did for 30 coins,
and fearful Peter in the inn before the crucifixion ...
Potentiality: Under option_i, +2 competitiveness
is the measure of all; never mind wasted people and
resources as long as that does not impair immediate
success! So the game is to get away with hidden,
+2 more of the same agendas, maintaining social
compatibility with mass-attractive fig leaves. Such is
business as usual since the Fall in paradise until the
world rots under all those fig leaves, the Internet
under the marketing lies and scams. As out there, so
within: Silvio Berlusconi is such a type that instrumen-
talized people as useful idiots - as layers, consumers,
citizens, soldiers, scapegoats and those with collateral
damages, and they form the zeitgeist!
X=Lifefulfillment Principle: Life is not +2
growth for the heck of it; that is cancer by cells with a
corrupted integrity! Similarly the option_i world is
cancerous! Its marketing information is by now 95%
wasted; inefficient, yet destroying more and more
resources and money. Thus the task to be fulfilled
by real human beings is to §3-restore and keep their
integrity! Instead most people are simply giving in to
option_i’s mono-political madness as the seeming
only way. The elite tries to buy into it like Judas for
coins, Dr. Faust by selling his soul, or afraid to consider
any Option II like Petrus in the pub after crucifixion.
And in his name the Vatican usurped God’s power...
Qualification: Life takes place on the physical
(matter), the causal (energy), the astral (space) and
the supra-causal (time) level; each with its own
relationship truths. Depending on understanding
of and adherence to them, that causes 1=very bad,
2=bad, 3=unsatisfying, 4=satisfying, 5=good, 6=very
good situation which we are challenged to handle
beyond the *3 ego reactions with our inner resources!
Detachment: Under option_i, nobody is qualified
for anything except to fit in formally where ever the
zeitgeist flows. That means you have to sacrifice any
of your remaining substance in order not to get undue
attention as a stumbling block to the zeitgeist’s trend
by its representatives. In short, let all other hopes go
and detach from who you might think you are - it’s just
called *3 ego, stupid - as they scribes blamed Jesus...
Polarity: So what remains of you under Option I is
your *3 ego and the ?0-illusion of becoming successful
by following the “others” up to leverage your %-hidden
*3-agenda with your target group leaving a people of
the lie, differentiated only by their ?0 fig leaves and
their images. So don’t wonder why striving for such
goals is meanwhile a 95% waste of life, time and
money! Also, similarly, some 95% of all people have
subscribed to this cause and so it is pretty difficult to
find someone with whom synergy is still possible!
Recently a lady, working under the dark cloud of a
Swiss Bank said: “The more people I relate to, the
more trouble I have.” But these organizations have all
the resources to project a good image, yet at the end of
the day, even that is 95% wasted. But it leaves the
zeitgeist and those projecting it with added on values to
their evil business, booming as usual...
1) We are restricted by the limited
and for all limiting, so-called
objective language, at best
describing what is personally-
neutral#2; things. Only there can you
then be true, important and beyond
misunderstanding. So when it
comes to what matters among real
human beings, relationship truths,
our communication culture still fails in
terms of Life- through Task-Fulfill-
ment in the same way as in Ancient
Rome. And that is because of the
category error of philosophy which
generalizes humans to mere subjects
playing with objects, and most religions, as sinners called to be reunited with God or get
dammed to hell for ever. Thus the option_i world reduces God to an tinkerer who has to call
his failed Creature back just like a car manufacturer his accident prone cars. Why? Because
option_i allows nothing substantial in itself to compete with mass-attractivity, generalized and
formalized, embellished as the Emperor’s New Clothes, amplified with technology so the elite
can leverage their hidden agendas by verbally the convincing the masses.
2) With spirituality people are encouraged to move above their physical body, to the astral,
causal and beyond, to the supra causal level to the divine, leaving the *3 ego behind, beyond
what causes karma. (1) and (2) are all ways to demean the three corner stones of your life;
X=your inner substance striving for life fulfillment, its v=general value, and its way to R=resolve
the problem with the option_i world. Obviously your corner are the stumbling blocks for those
who identify with option_i, the so-called elite, leaders, priests and gurus...
3) On the other hand, real holy Masters help people to open up to relating themselves to God,
ultimately via the Holy Spirit with its own way to express God’s intention and his loving support
for each of us individually. The time has come to reveal the language#3 by which such relation-
ship truths can be expressed beyond misunderstandings; for people with good will towards
Option II. It begins eye to eye beyond the substance less way cultivated under option_i; with
mutual trust. This allows us to experience the relationship up to identifying the principles at work
and then parameterize them towards a LifeFulfilling Platform for participants. As the Bible puts
it: “In my father’s house there are many different mansions...”