Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter
off-line and on-line on the Internet...
There is an Option_ii 4U2
How to master the Internet in a personally relevant way
as soon as they can use their fingers on a mobile, they can master the virtual world of the Internet
and only too often they learn it the hard way when opting-in to business.
This is a step-wise
learning process;
click here:
How do YOU get clear of the 95% of the
misleading flood on the Internet?
Don’t think you can do it if you have not mastered
relating to people off-line.
Up to 98% are losers with their Internet-biz!
Almost all beginners think, just like in a casino,
that they won’t lose. The successful ones are
those who make you believe you are the
exception, just as in the real capitalist world under
Option_i: look at the money flow which most of
us want to redirect into their own pockets...
In the real world people are made to
believe in church they can relate to God better
than they can relate to each other! And in school
they learn to relate to each other, before they can
relate to themselves.
In today’s Option I world, God is sublimated with
hype, myth (evolution), left and right ideologies and
technologies promising to re-engineer life with no
necessity to understand anything anymore as if
everything can be made to go by anyone who can pay,
grab, and now,click, just as it seems to be on the
Internet with all the added-on-values pointing towards
artificial life: It’s all Psycho-Logy,!
However M / O = STRESS < DEATH as worked out
above under F2: Even if we are free for what we are
F2-doing, we are not free of the consequences of
Manipulation where inadequate Orientation applies.
The same applies on the Internet if mind control and
alterations, e.g. of our mental operating system,
affecting system and data security, and then money
when entering data, clicking and other ways of
interacting occur, ranging up to cybersex in computer
controlled underpants...
So this page is about the Orientation you need to
master the Internet in a personally relevant way up to
creating Your Personal Internet Business to fulfill its
goal in a lifefulfilling way: There is on OPTION II for
you beyond luring others into losing their hard earnt
money and their self-determination...
Each new life quality develops in 5 years:
1) as a first overwhelming experience =>
share your expertise based on your fully
qualified life’s nine basis functions F1-9...
2) zooming into your direction => help to
stay grounded in a desirable, ethically
sustainable H2-order and the relevant,
tangible H3-reality; check right side >>>>>
3) getting clarity about the relevant
substances and laws => help H4-under-
standing of how to get away from bluff!
4) freedom from option_i to use Option_ii =>
give meaning to the deep roots in your own
relevant X-substance and that of others.
5) care for health with sensitivity for the next
5-year phase => support work/life balance
with L1-loving engagements in relevant
projects with L2-timely exchange of project-
oriented competence, up to L3-reframing of
option_i limitations...
Some Hints for Considerations for (1)-(5):
(1) Consider a baby in its first year, under (2) in the
2nd year and so on when considering any new life
quality §1-L3 or new challenge or lesson such us here:
So in the first stage (1), some mothering helps, as
long as you cannot take responsibility for yourself while
still lacking enough experience, knowledge and under-
standing to open up in safety:
Who are the relevant others; who is the most
important person who helps you find your purpose,
be diligent and fulfill your task? That is the question
here; learn to ask for information and help and make
what you get reproducible within 2 days! Then you
can also be of service that way for those you love, your
target group and for your clients. Thus making use of
your assets, you can become an asset for others.
Then you do not need to bluff others under option_i...
So in the second stage (2), some fathering helps to
learn how to deal with the relevant reality in an orderly
system appropriate for your vision > goal > path > truth
> lifefulfilling task fulfillment:
Who could take responsibility for your life and from
whom can you accept being told how to live, work and
love? Who are the good, the bad ones and, those with
hidden agendas, the hypocritical others? Who is
truthful, keeps promises, and refrains from prejudice?
Who listens, relates to your content and gives its
substance the meaning it deserves? For whom can
YOU provide that and how? Which lessons have you
followed up within 2 weeks, or are you willing to?
So the forth stage (4) is about not losing yourself in all
the options; you need a mentor who cares for your
identity when you are in this phase of the prodigal
third son, who wants to be free to get lost, unwilling to
stand for his growth for the 2 months required for
others to get it. What limits your task-, and your life-
fulfillment? What are your temptations to sell yourself
short? What are you coping with it? What is your
motivation, your belief and your hope? What
resources, assets and friends do you have; could you
have if... Where can you already be a mentor at this
stage, having learnt to be one for yourself in critical
situations and in view of temptations, such as Jesus in
the desert, unlike Peter when the cock crowed 3 times.
So in the fifth, the transition stage (5), the temptation
is to get stuck in the freedom > money > welfare >
fame and reputation gained, trap! Do not wait until you
have to learn not giving up the hard way too soon, via
your spiritual, mental, psychological, physical health...
Where have you given up YOUR OPTION_ii and crept
under option_i, still traumatized, lacking understanding,
conscience, courage, openness, path, truth, life, ful-
fillment? Be assured you will get confronted with all of
that if you get involved with Internet Business; it is a
new world for you! Use the opportunity to go through
these 5 stages, that could allow you to learn what
you have so far missed off-line, socially...