Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter
which CALLS for ACTION on your side too...
There is an Option_ii 4U2
The TIME HAS COME, to work with Option_ii; YOU too
Let us get to the point of identifying and understanding YOUR 3 XvR Corner Stones for Lifefulfillment;
Your first step is consider understanding before any prejudgment - as with friends...
This is a step-wise
learning process;
click here:
❶ Make use of §1-the right to express what is innately essential for your lifefulfillment! For me that is about
my h-living space in which I am pointing to the already worked out LifeFulfilling Platforms - that is why I use
parameters_ii because based on the appropriate Applied Personal Science#3 APS, my X=9Pp, thus for my
being, 9Pp(§1)=h, the relationship truth#3 reveals my §1-resource for this first step - for you with probably
quite a different X, that can also be worked out once your X is identified - you will grow into this science#3 as
you proceed; just do not freak#0 back under option_i again - internalize the mentioned concepts _i, _ii, XvL, §1,
color scheme#1203... they will reoccur so you can deepen your basic understanding of them to work out your
§1-first step with Option_ii, personally relevant#3... get it? The parameters are defined in the context they are
used! You get them by becoming aware how you walk the talk - also yours. It is just like getting to know and
understand yourself and others, not top down#2 from an authoritative wordy conviction - overwriting your corner
stones as stumbling blocks with wordy science#2 weak spirits are afraid to §1-express themselves in their
innate personally relevant way#3 with appropriate parameters...
❷ State what is non-negotiable for you as an innate y-necessity for the handling of which you need
to be free from undue interference above all from option_i of having to fit into the zeitgeist norm, thus
sacrificing your XvR for the sake of appearing mass-attractive_i. For me this is my §2-life purpose; 9Pp(y)=§2,
and that is to at least 2-work out the B-boundary condition for each participants XvR-corner stone in a form
that they can be m-multiplied to the point of being understood by those involved. With it, I look forward for
synergy with your y so we can, by supporting and challenging each other to fulfill our respective y, it get free
from the otherwise stress, so we get free for
❸ Then, in order to fulfill your X-potential substance M-maximally with people with whom synergy was made
possible, and you can thus trust to respect your genuine y, let us become free to interact allowing synergy,
based on each one’s v-genuine value of their being becoming understood in relating to each other. For me this
entails to provide relevant inner Growth-Potential-Systems, i-GPS, for 9Pp(M)=§0-sustainability which
obviously require considering each others corner stones.
You see, all gets clarified in due time...
❹ On that path, the truth will be revealed of each participants innate G5-way of life in terms of each one’s
R=(re)solution in dealing with the option_i world.
❺ Once the 3 XvR Corner Stones for Lifefulfillment are v=valued with appropriate, personally relevant#3
appreciation, option_i is in fact overcome in such a, no longer a masterminded, but a lifefulfiling group.
I hope you have made some notes for yourself
about the above 5 points. Then you can make
up your mind between option_i vs. Option_ii
and hopefully are no longer opting for “the middle,
where the devil sits”. If you are ready to commit
yourself to the above, and have passed on the link
to this site to at least 6 of your friends, then please
submit your contact details. You will then become
part of the http://There.Is.Option24u.net
and will be updated about further steps that will
also be announced under Facebook. As a next
lesson you can learn about YOUR corner stones.