Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter
for Leadership for LifeFulfilling Platforms...
There is an Option_ii 4U2
Personally relevant Leadership with Option_ii
Taking those 7.6% of all people with their values in §1-3, §0, B1, who have a personally relevant inner
understanding#3 in their public knowledge work#1, #2, #0, being responsible for §1-expressing,
§2-managing and §3-controlling values, to §0-make implement them sustainably and B1-maintaining
the ability to judge, we get the necessary requirements for Leadership for LifeFulfilling Platforms:
This is a step-wise
learning process;
click here:
§1) To be a politician, successful as a v-valued trend-speaker, you need to 3Oe-dedicate yourself
publicly to §1-expressing what is essentially authentic, that is in a personally relevant#3 way to get a
3-tangibly content-free#1, 6-very good O-objective e-established. In short, any new trend may not hurt
real human beings in their life- through task fulfillment as option_i does, or tempt each other to hurt one another
through inaction. Please click the above image and having read the pop-up, unclick it... proceed...
§2) To manage a §1-desirable trend, you need 1) a 9Ow-strategy for coping
9-fundamentally personally-neutral#2 with the unrest that unavoidably arises from
different interests and §2-purposes. And, before the point of NO return, when the
objectives are w-worked out in 1-very bad ways - such as making war as a follow-on of politics with harder means,
you need 2) an 8Oe unbiased way to 8-cope with the necessity to establish O-objective measures to protect
5-good formal practices#0. In short, take care for being able to serve in the best interests of participants and those
concerned, unless that violates the above §1; avoid hurting real people essentially by limiting their lifefulfillment, e
you need 3) a 5Oe way to let go failed trials. And that pro-actively, before your 5-enterprise demands objectives
that are in the way of what is for the common good#2. Blind adherence to tradition often holds communities back; it
restrains creativity, learning, spontaneity, growth, and eventually lifefulfillment. Therefore 4) a 5Cp upright
culture is required to allow 5-entrepreneurial ways of C-communication for p-preparing implementation of the
decided upon purpose of managing the chosen cause. Please click the above §2-image...
§3) To keep the ongoing actions under control with §3-integrity in relation to the above, unless that
violates §1-2, 4Ce-rigorousness in establishing communication in 3-tangibly unbiased#1, personally
relevant#3 ways towards a 6-very good outcome, rather than hidden agendas is mandatory - such as
with proven methods of decision making, e.g. with proofs in the hard sciences. Please click the above §3-
§0) To keep the context of a trend §0-sustainably accounted for, such as nature
versus civilization, ecology versus technology, individuals versus the collective, insights
versus the zeitgeist, YOU versus me, manipulation versus orientation, understandingly
responsibility, 1) the precondition of 9Cm-generosity of LifeFulfilling Platforms needs to be met to allow m-
multiplication of that kind of C-communication about 9-basics about personally relevant#3 relationship truth
above all before 2-bad 2) situations get beyond the 8Be-sensitivity of the consequences of Be-establishing
boundary conditions and regulations ignoring M/O=Stress<Death, divorce, bankruptcy, collapse, to keep the
5-good work going. 3) only that allows for 8Cp-gently p-preparing C-communication of one’s 8-necessity for the
corresponding 5-good measures to be taken responsibly. Only that guarantees that participants of an enterprise
remain grounded, in touch with the consequences of their thoughts and actions, so no undue risks are taken.
Otherwise thinking catastrophes evoke the known human catastrophes. In short, projects must be defended
up to their envisaged completion, unless that violates any of the §1-3 pre-requirements for the lifefulfillment of
those concerned. So much for democracy and what it requires in terms beyond philosophy/psychology of at
least a critical number of participants. Please click the above §0-image...
B1) To uphold the §1-3, and §0 capabilities for the lifefulfiling judgment of participants,
1) the 8Pp-readiness based on a proper B1-belief to participate in view of the B2-envisaged
breakthrough is needed, above all when 8-necessities require new P-processes to be p-prepared
as projects to overcome thinking catastrophes before they turn into 2-bad human catastrophes. 2) The 3Pw-
concerns about the 3-tangible outcome of the P-processes w-worked out, need to be accounted for in 4-satisfying
ways. That only works in terms of the B1-belief for which participants are accountable in view of the envisaged
B2-breakthrough to the X-substance to be fulfilled. In technology that is in view of the relevant physics, in life, in
view of the value of X and the (Re)solution it allows; the 3 XvR-corner stones. Please click the G1-image...
The remaining 92.4% of all people are here to follow-up the value of creation beyond this opening by
B2-5, ended in H1-4, L1-2 generative up to L3-reframing the outcome by tuning into the best possible insights
into the principles of Life- through Task-Fulfillment of as many beings as possible. Thus they are “the salt of the
earth” and as the users, they provide the experience necessary on LifeFulfilling platforms for the above 7.6%
leaders to assume responsibility for its system in the service of its users. Under option_i system, serves would
simply have to glorify the system wardens, remaining other-determined up to its final structural catastrophe...
A critical number of real human beings need to be
prepared, aware, and qualified ready, to face genuine
concerns, with or without the opinions of others; before
the Point of NO Return to work out the so far unac-
counted for processes. Then turning value into L2-
timely exchange of project-oriented competence, if
necessary up to L3-reframing what has previously failed
in favor of doing things as matter of course, in tradition
at the critical moment with one foot still in option_i ...
Sensitivity for Orientation must
come before Manipulation to keep
M/O=STRESS within eustress,
where gentle interactions are still
possible; with it, understanding and
synergy, you can act just as birds do
when they mark their territory with
their lively songs, rather than
continuing diplomacy with tougher
means as Machiavelli & Co. suggest
to force learning the hard way....
Controlling is about not throwing out the
baby with the bathwater, about not spilling
the coffee, not subduing real people’s life-
fulfillment under option_i but directing its flow
in the service of Option_ii for participants!
Remember, proper management is about
giving meaning to the laws of nature and to
those of lifefulfillment, ultimately God through
us, to move things and our experiences into
their lifefulfiling place on LifeFulfilling
Platforms. This is how proper technology
works designed to frame the laws of physics
in a sustainably functioning direction; much
as the water falling into the turbine of a
generator, and then wire its electricity to
power YOU PC.
Under option_i however, the established
communication is wasted on the ever
self-destructing zeitgeist!
© Burk Edition for all those picture used here with kind permission