Beware of UNDERSTANDING - it is the precondition for a Loving Engagement - the World hates it and goes for you!
Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter 

The so far untold difference which sets YOU free...

There is an Option_ii 4U2

Home - MIND-Test Call for Action UNDERSTAND HOPE for ORDER >ACADEMY for Think-Systems< Webutation

The LAW of ATTRACTION I.................versus.....The Law of UNDERSTANDING II

Option I starts with “The Secret”, justifies it with so-called Universal Laws; in fact a pretext to gain

attraction, then more laws are required to cover up the initial fake, to keep the masses down...

Option II is based on the B4-truth about what, on one’s personally relevant B3-path, leads to

B4-Life- through Meaning- and Task-Fulfillment. 

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