Once you know how to make sense of YOUR LIFE, yon can make sense of everything else...
Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter 

for each new phase in your life...

There is an Option_ii 4U2

Home - MIND-Test Call for Action UNDERSTAND HOPE for ORDER >ACADEMY for Think-Systems<
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Real Human Beings think in terms of who they innately are...   

Then they develop their §1-L3 inner resources in 5-year cycles up to the age of 80. Some grow till 45, up to

a B3-path, which with some B4-truth can be called a grown-up B5-life. These days there is less and

less H1-hope beyond it, for a desirable H2-order which would justify it, is missing for most of us...

This is a step-wise learning process; click here: