The Leadership with Future serves Option II on LifeFulfilling Platforms to overcome self-destructive organizations...
Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter 

for Leadership for LifeFulfilling Platforms...

There is an Option_ii 4U2

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Personally relevant Leadership with Option_ii

Taking those 7.6% of all people with their values in §1-3, §0, B1, who have a personally relevant inner

understanding#3 in their public knowledge work#1, #2, #0, being responsible for §1-expressing,

§2-managing and §3-controlling values, to §0-make implement them sustainably and B1-maintaining

the ability to judge, we get the necessary requirements for Leadership for LifeFulfilling Platforms:

This is a step-wise learning process; click here: