Why is the most important Science still missing? Find out what it can do for YOU - for us - hopefully in time...
Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), Founder of Applied Personal Science APS, Facebook, Twitter 

TEST: Can YOU distance yourself from Option I ?

There is an Option_ii 4U2

Home - MIND-Test Call for Action UNDERSTAND HOPE for ORDER >ACADEMY for Think-Systems<
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Home - MIND-Test Normally the 19 frames below would also be spoken by a convincing voice . That is not intended, hence print only so you can consider the content thoroughly, However, I begin introducing colors with meanings that will be revealed as we go - also abbreviations like “X” - stay through out the following 19 frames and you will get to understand more:  Please consider this OPPORTUNITY - There is an option 2 for (4) you (u) too TEST: How fit are you in the basic 9 functions of Life F1-9 ? Check the 19 steps
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